Innovation by DX

IT for Society

Room Layouter

Useful features for building creation are available.


Room 2D Layouter

You will specify floor numbers over/under ground, and create your own rooms. You can also add colors or names to the rooms.

Alignment feature for multiple rooms is available.

In-Wall Device

Room 3D Layouter

Once you finalize your layout in 2D, you will confirm the result in Room 3D Layouter.

Any device embedded in a wall, such as window or door, can be added. All the registered 3D geometries are listed at the left of the window, and you can select some of them for your layout. Your own 3D data can be integrated with the system.


Texture Assignment

You can assign a texture to a created wall.

It's possible to confirm your layout result in an environment which is close to the real room appearance, as it renders a wall with wallpaper.


2D DXF as Floor Layout

If you have a floor plan drawing from your building, you can place it on your floor as the basis of your room creation.

We support DXF format. The translation process is very simple.

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