Innovation by DX

IT for Society

I want to create AI using my own data.

How can I assure the data security?

How much is the development cost?

ezDeep is your solution!

ezDeep SS

This product is to create an AI for classification of pixels in an image file, using your own data easily.

This approach is called semantic segmentation in AI technology area. Suppose you want to detect a crack in an image. A rectangle on the image should not help you understand the calculation result. This is an example which is not suitable for object detection. This approach is utilized for this kind of applications.

There ara a variety of commercial software products which include AI logic for images. When you try to utilize them, you often confront difficulties in detections on your own product images. The reason is, the system doesn't use your own image files for your products when it creates the AI logic.

If you want to create an AI which integrates with your own image files, you will develop a new system internally, or ask the other system development company.

Most of books on AI describe complex mathematics. Deep understanding of the contents is necessary to develop your own system with AI. Therefore, selecting internal development option is difficult from cost and time point of views for many companies.

On the other hand, asking the other company has the other issues. Your image files may include products which are not released. Or, anyone may be able to identify a specific person by those images. One more issue is, the total cost will be extremely high to develop your own sytem, compared to commercial products.

ezDeep SS is a product which solves those issues, and the benefits are as follows.


Specialize in Semantic Segmentation AI

Semantic segmentation is to let AI detect what is captured in each pixel of a specific image file.

This image explains recognition of objects, which are person or animal, for each pixel.

This product has a lot of features which allow you to create your own AI for semantic segmentation easily.


Simple User Interface

The basic operation is just placing your image files, which you want to integrate with your AI logic, and which include objects you want to detect, at pre-defined folder. Neither technical knowledge nor programinng is required.

You can create your own AI data by similar operations to commercial image processing software products.


Deep Learning UI Prepared

Once you place all images, you will use Deep Learning feature to create your own AI logic with your own image information.

You can confirm the result of each trial on a dialog box during repeated calculations.


Status Graph Available

The calculation error during deep learning is shown immediately.

You can confirm the status on both learning and testing data as dedicated graphs. Stop your deep learning at an appropriate time, watching the trend of the error values.


Instant Result Confirmation on Deep Learning

Once you finalize deep learning, you can see semantic segmentation result with an image file.

The system will display the image used for result confirmation, the calculation result of each pixel.

If the result is not as expected, repeat data creation and deep learning.


Develop Your own AI System

ezDeep SS data keeps all internal parameters after Deep Learning. Development kit allows you to develop your own system which utilizes your own AI logic.

You can change the AI logic just by reloading ezDeep SS data. Therefore, you may not need to develop the system again, in the case of constructing AI for your new product release. Shorter product release time, and less system development cost, would be expected, because many tasks can be conducted internally.


No Programming for Network Design

A dedicated software can be used for your layer design in your deep learning network. You can specify each layer type, its parameters, or others without any programming.

Deconvolution, pointwise convolution and skip connection, which are required for semantic segmentation, are also available as layer types. You can create your own network architecture easily, with graphical user interfaces, for your deep learning process, referring to proven architecture in this category.


Consultation Service Available

When you start your own project, you may have many things you don't understand, such as what kind of architecture you should select for your network, and how you should utilize ezDeep features. We've been collected so much data, created many network architectures, and executed deep learning repeatedly, through our product development. Our technical knowledge on AI, acquired through our development process, will support your project execution steadily.


Huge AI Network Supported

The bigger your AI network is, the faster the calculation speed must be. Therefore, this system adopted multi-thread technology for many of calculation processes. High performance CPUs have a lot of cores. You can also select a hardware with multiple CPUs. You can expect faster calculation speed with such high performance hardware by multi-thread parallel processes.

Many AI projects use GPU to improve calculation speed. Thus, this system supports calculations with GPU. This technology may also improve calculation speed.

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