A software, dedicated to network design, is available. You can specify basic settings for your network, such as input data size. And also, you are allowed to design each layer without any programming.
Drop out setting, which is valid to avoid overfitting, is possible as well.
You can create a network with multiple end outputs. Each output can have its own teaching data. It is useful to expand the availability of your network architectures.
♦ Convolution
♦ Deconvolution
♦ Pooling
♦ Full Connection
♦ Transformation
♦ Connection To End
♦ Probability Per Pixel
♦ Pixelwise Convolution
♦ Sigmoid
♦ ReLu
♦ Softmax
♦ tanh
♦ Identity
There are other settings, such as drop out. We will develop new features on your request.
Created data can be used as an input for ezDeep, and you can see if your network is valid for an expected artificial intelligence.
Deep Learning Development Kit requires a network data which is created with this software.