Innovation by DX

IT for Society

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Lesson 13  Artificial Neuron

Artificial Neuron is a model of creatures' neuron. The architecture of Artificial Neuron is as follows.

It accepts multiple inputs, and exports outputs after a defined process, which multiplies each input with prepared coefficient, and sum up all values.

Suppose the number of inputs is N, and see how the calculation works.

Multiply an input x i with a pre-defined coefficient w i The w i is called Weight. Multiply all inputs with corresponding coefficients, and sum up all values. And then, add a value b . The output is u . Where, the value b is called Bias. Finally, apply a function f to the output value. The final output is z . Where, the function f is called Activation Function.

The formulas of the calculation process above are as follows.

u = i = 1 n w i x i + b
z = f u

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